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SOK Battery Rack


SOK Battery Rack

  • Securely holds 5 SOK SK48v100 batteries
  • Ships disassembled, however, an easy assembly with just a few screws
  • Does not include the square nuts and screws to secure the batteries – they are shipped in the box with the SOK SK48v100 batteries.
  • Holes in the bottom of each corner for easy anchoring to a floor
  • NOTE: Due to limited supply and shipping complications, this is only available to customers with correlating SOK 48V battery orders

FREE URBAN SHIPPING on all batteries.

For delivery outside of main centres, please contact us for a quote.

SKU: SKRK5 Categories: ,


SOK Promo. Each purchase of a group of  4 or 5 SK48v100 batteries automatically gets the rack for FREE!  Only purchase from this listing if you are buying less than 5 batteries.

Additional information

Dimensions 0.200000 × 1.200000 × 0.200000 m


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